Mon sujet principal : les paysages que j'ai parcourus.
Mes lieux de prédilection : la montagne (Ecrins, Ubaye), le littoral (Finistère, Esterel), les villes (Venise, Florence, Rome, Lyon)…
Mes sources d'inspiration : Corot, Sargent, Bonington, Sisley...
Ma maxime inatteignable : Peindre, c'est ne pas peindre (Antonio Munoz Molina).
Merci Corinne, aérien à cette altitude, c'est une obligation ! Thank you for your interest Catharina, the second picture is a preparatory drawing with pencil, watercolor is applied based on these benchmarks, then the Chinese ink allows to have a more nervous drawing that more closely resemble the texture of rocks.
3 commentaires:
Aé si sobre...bref c'est beau !
I wonder: Are ALL the lines drawn BEFORE applying the paint or have you added lines AFTER color as well? It looks lovely. :)
Merci Corinne, aérien à cette altitude, c'est une obligation !
Thank you for your interest Catharina, the second picture is a preparatory drawing with pencil, watercolor is applied based on these benchmarks, then the Chinese ink allows to have a more nervous drawing that more closely resemble the texture of rocks.
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